Is your PC running slower than usual? Got virus issues? Need an upgrade or just want to clean out your system and start fresh?

Computer Repairs & Upgrades
- Software/Hardware Installation
- Memory Upgrades
- Printers / Scanners / Cameras Installation &
- Operating System Installation & Upgrades
- Automated Backup Systems

Emergency Data Recovery
- Data Backup
- Failed Hard Drive Recovery
- System File Errors

Custom Built Computers
- Using Premium System Hardware

Home/Office Network Installation Repair
- Wired/Wireless Networks
- File & Printer Sharing

Virus Protection / Firewall Protection / Spyware Removal
- Virus Removal & Repair
- Disaster Recovery Prevention
- Firewall Configuration
- Privacy and Security Analysis
- Spyware Removal / Prevention & Education

Consulting, Tutoring & Education
- Email, Windows, Software
- Microsoft Office
- Tutoring for Social Media Marketing & Internet Skills

Ready to find out more?

The next step is to reach out to us and figure out how we can help you